Islam bukanlah agama dalam ertikata yang biasa.
Islam juga bukannya 'religion' yang diertikan sebagai 'a subjective relationship to certain metaphysical extramundane factors'.
Tetapi kawan2, Islam melampaui semua had2 yang tersebut.
Islam adalah lebih jauh dan lebih luas dari itu sebenarnya.
Bagi saya,
Islam adalah satu sistem sosial yang lengkap, satu 'civilization', satu falsafah, satu 'culture' secara serentak!!!
Sir Theodore Morrison dalam
'England and Islam'(1919) menyebut:
'In Truth, Islam is more than a creed, it is a complete social system, it is a civilization with a philosophy, a culture and an art of its own'.sementara
H.A.R. Gibb dalam '
Whiter Islam' (m/s 12) menyatakan :
Islam is indeed much more than a system of theology, it is a complete civilization'.
Lothrop Stoddard pula menyatakan dalam '
Clashing Tides of Colour' :
'Islam is more than a creed, it is a culture and a way of life'.
George Bernard Shaw meramalkan dalam bukunya '
A Collection of writings of some of Eminent Scholars' :
'If any religion has the change of ruling over England, may Europe within the next hundred years it can be Islam'.Prof. Charles L. Geddes dari American Institute of Islamic Studies menyebut dalam ceramahnya :
Islam has all the characteristics to play a vital role in the affairs of the nations to bring about peace and understanding in the world..the West expects that muslims who had a devine religion and glorious past of their own would explain the basic tenets and philosophy of life to the West..and play their destined role in the world of tomorrow as har bingers of peace.('Islamic Education',Lahore 1968).Napoleon Bonaparte menyebut :
I hope the time is not far off when I shall be able to unite all the wise and educated men of all the countries and established a uniform regime based on the principles of the Quran which alone are true, which alone can lead men to happiness(Cherfils,Bonaparte et Islam,Paris,France, page 125)"Sesungguhnya, ini adalah jalanKu yang lurus,ikutilah dia, dan janganlah kamu mengikut jalan-jalan yang lain, kerana jalan-jalan itu, akan mencerai beraikan kamu dari jalanNya"
(al-An'am : 153)wallahu a'lam
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